A Few Things You Should Know...

Original photo by @luciemadra via Instagram

Original photo by @luciemadra via Instagram

A Few Things You Should Know…

Vedic Meditation is a lot like brushing your teeth.

We brush our teeth twice each day (I hope?!) because it is good for our oral hygiene and hopefully means we don’t have to spend big at the dentist with all the drills and pain! Vedic Meditators practice twice each day because it is good for our overall health, releasing accumulated stress from the physiology meaning we are less likely to be impacted by poor health and poor lifestyle choices caused by stress.

Everyone brushes their teeth, regardless of age, faith, political views, job, family status. Vedic Meditation is the same, it is simply a daily practice suitable for anyone. I’ve taught corporates, teachers, mothers, retirees (some close to 90 years of age), writers, uni students, health practitioners, athletes… the list goes on!

You don’t have to stop being you to do it. No hippie pants or incense required, unless you want that, in which case, it is totally acceptable. 

But enough about teeth brushing… Vedic Meditation is a silent, mental technique, there is no chanting. 

Vedic Meditation was designed for householders like you and I who have busy lives meaning it is easy to integrate into your daily life. Many meditation techniques that have been brought to the West are not designed for us. They were originally designed for monks sitting in ashrams or caves meditating for hours on end. It is no wonder many people find some meditation techniques hard, they weren’t designed for the 99% of us living as householders!

Once sitting the four day course, you’re self-sufficient and can practice anywhere you can safely close your eyes. You aren’t reliant on turning up to a class or having enough phone battery to listen to a recording or app and if you’re like most meditators, you’ll start to feel a difference from the outset. 

As I said earlier, it is for anyone, there are no pretzel positions or yoga poses, all you need is some back support which is great if you’ve got a grumbly knee like me!

Vedic meditation certainly isn’t a new fad, it comes from an ancient Tradition which means it has stood the test of time, and is tried and tested, with millions having practiced it. 

These are just a few things you should know about Vedic Meditation.