Posts in Relationships
My Worth As A Man

My worth as a man

My worth as a man, is not measured by dollar signs, Nor is it measured in finish lines or pick up lines, It is measured in the depth of my being, the depth of my presence, I felt it in my spine, Strong full of courage, integrity and resilience; And in my heart; Soft and open in loving compassion; My worth as a man does not happen in isolation; And is strengthened when in community; So when I come together with a group of men…

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Compassion & The Stress Response

Compassion and The Stress Response

When the Sabre tooth tiger approached our ancestors in the cave, they didn’t stop to count how many teeth the tiger had, wonder how hungry it must be and how many tiger cubs it needed to feed. No, our ancestors, with the help of their in-built physiological stress response, which was designed to save their lives, either fought (fight) or fled (flight). When a tiger is staring you in the face, ready to make you it’s next meal, there really isn’t much time to waste being empathetic, compassionate and understanding towards the tiger. Thankfully the stress response makes this very difficult to do in the moment anyway!

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